Secret Information

Secret information? Okay, probably not much remains truly hidden or forbidden anymore, but there are little secrets about how things work. Salesmen, politicians, and others learn and use subtle techniques to influence you. “Lucky people” use little-known tricks to get that way. Here are some examples. Controling

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Characteristics of Soul

At the dawn of spring, I am reminded by my children the joy of anticipating new life. They will usually see a flower or two that has made its way through the soil to a world beyond itself. What starts out as a seedling or bulb is transformed by nature’s capacity to evolve. Inside each of us lies dormant an awareness,

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The BOOZE SNOOZE (Alcohol Abuse)

Dangers of the booze snooze Drink driving not a very good combination kill or be killed. Think before you drink? You may be saving your own life by saying no to last orders or that of a friend who you feel may have had too much to drink. You do not want to live the rest of your life with that terrible feeling of guilt if only. Top of the guest lis

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The Disturbing Trend Of Bulimia

With so many girls striving to have the perfect figure, bulimia has become a trend with deadly consequences. Is there an answer to this epidemic? You leaf through the pages of glossy magazines, and youre treated to images of women who are just plain thin. The latest trends in fashion revolve around ladies with what we describe to have the perfect f

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